I must ask, what inspires your designs?
--I love creatures, real and imaginary. Everything from animation to a trip to the aquarium makes me want to sculpt something new.
What ‘look’ are you going for with these your Beastlies?
--They just sort of evolved into this look on their own, really... I used to sculpt things like dogs, birds, and rabbits, but gradually my work started morphing into these little monsters. I'm always just trying to achieve some kind of spark in their expression, something that makes them funny or sweet or sympathetic or absurd or relatable.
Do you have any tips for new Etsy sellers?
--Keep listing things! Don't let your shop just sit, even if sales are slow. And keep honing your craft every day: Even if you're amazing now, you'll be twice as amazing in a year if you've practiced your art constantly.
Other than your Etsy shop is there anywhere else where readers can find out more about Beastlies?
-- beastlies.com has got links to everything!
How did you become interested in creating such a unique craft?
--I used to sculpt little animals and characters when I was a kid. Sculpey is so great for making your own toys, you know? I went to art school and studied other things, but nothing has ever been as fun as sculpting little critters, so that's what I came back to.
Other than your shop, do you have another occupation or a ‘day job’? If so, what is it? Do you have a background in sculpting or art school?
--I studied photography and writing in school, so no actual sculpting background. I quit the day job about a year ago, and now I'm just focusing on the Beastlies.
Anything you want to share about any up and coming plans?
--I've got some things in the works that I hope I'll be able to share very soon! Stay tuned...
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