What you will need for this tutorial: glow in the dark Fimo, white and red fimo, a toothpick, razor blade, liquid sculpey, black paint, eye hooks (3), metal finding to make earrings and a necklace
For this mushroom I used glow in the dark fimo its #04 roll out 3 balls 2 smaller then the other
press them down
add white and red to make pink
take a ball of the pink clay and make a dome
tress the dome to the glow in the dark flat clay
do that to the two others
get a hot pink colour and roll it out into a snake, then cut off little ends as showin and make little balls
flatin out these balls too
then place then on the mushrooms you will need 5 for each mushroom
take black paint and dip a toothpick in it for dotting the eyes
take a little eye hook and add some liquid sculpey to the end of it
push into the mushroom and bake the clay
this is how mine turned out. at the end all I did was add the metal findings to make earrings and a necklace. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If there is anything you would like me to make a tutorial just let me know.
awww they're sooo cute. <3
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